Reducing Gas at Home and on the Move

GNN’s Summer Survey Project for 2022

In the summer of 2022, 8 interns set off in different neighbourhoods across the city with a mission to learn about the choices and the obstacles we all face when it comes to our gas use. Through our survey, we asked “what’s next” for you in your future use of gas at home and in transportation around the city. From what we’ve learned about you, and other residents in your neighbourhood, we hope to offer community programs, resources, and incentives to help you achieve your goals. And, at the same time, help us achieve our goal to make Toronto greener, healthier, and more sustainable.

Survey Results

“What’s Next” Survey

From June to August 2022, our interns canvassed in neighbourhoods across the city asking people to tell us about their use of gas at home and on the move. Click on the drop-down tab below to see the results!

Neighbourhood Home Energy Survey

This online survey went a bit deeper on the home energy theme. Participants told us more about their use of energy in their home, and their plans for what’s next. Click on the drop-down tab below to see the results!

Neighbourhood Transportation Survey

This online survey went a bit deeper on the transportation theme. Participants told us more about how they get to the places they need to go, and their plans for what’s next. Click on the drop-down tab below to see the results!

Map of Surveys

Each point on this map of Toronto represents a completed survey.

  • The green hearts represent the “What’s Next” survey, conducted by our interns in person, or filled out independently online
  • The purple vehicles represent the responses to the Neighbourhood Transportation Survey, completed online
  • The red lightning bolts represent the responses to the Neighbourhood Home Energy Survey, completed online

As anticipated, most surveys were completed in ridings participating in the Summer Jobs project (Etobicoke Centre, Parkdale High Park, University Rosedale, and Toronto Danforth). As this map shows, the project had even wider reach. We were delighted to see participants from ridings across the city. 

Partner Projects

Neighbourhood Walkability

Walking and rolling can be wonderful ways to get around the city – if streets and sidewalks are safe and accessible. is a crowdsourcing tool for mapping micro barriers to accessible walking and rolling. What is a micro barrier? Anything that makes it harder (or maybe even impossible!) to walk or roll safely or comfortably in your community. It might be a missing crosswalk, uneven payment, or unplowed snow. You can also report if you’ve been hit while walking or rolling, had a near miss, or a fall. Created with funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada.

If you are a cyclist, there’s a mapping tool for you too – visit

Induction Stoves: the Best Buy bulk buy program

The HVRA Net Zero committee has partnered with Best Buy Canada to offer a wide variety of induction ranges and cooktops. Participants will be eligible for discounts of $300 – $900 on induction ranges and $100 on induction cooktops. You do not need to live in Harbord Village to participate. Once you have have signed up for the program, you will be connected with an in-house Best Buy advisor. The advisor will work with you over the phone, or come to your home, to help you select the right induction cooktop or range for you. Visit the website to sign up and for full details.

Toronto Retrofit Coordination Service

Get advice and share information with others while retrofitting your home for comfort, energy savings and lower carbon emissions. Be inspired and learn. Expanding your kitchen? Replacing your HVAC? Fixing your roof? Looking to reduce your carbon footprint? The Retrofit Coordination Service can help. This service is being developed by Pocket Change Project Retrofit volunteers. The goal of the service is to accelerate the rate of home energy retrofits in Toronto by making it quicker, easier, and more economical – and then to grow the service across the city! Find out more and get involved by emailing us:

My Green Pledge

At the end of each in-person survey, participants had an option to fill out their own “Green Pledge”. The pledge had 4 ways in which we can all reduce our gas use at home and on the move:

  • Take measures to reduce gas consumption in my home
  • Choose a trip commonly travelled by vehicle and take that trip by walking, biking, or public transit
  • If driving, consider purchasing an electric vehicle
  • Talk with my neighbours about reducing our gas consumption either at home or when traveling

Feeling inspired to make your own green pledge? Click on the link below to download your own copy. Fill it out and put it somewhere where you’ll see it every day (like your fridge) to serve as a reminder of your commitment to reducing your gas use.

Meet our summer 2022 canvassers

Group photo Eco Fun Fair June-18-2022
Meet the interns asking “What’s Next?”
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Group photo Eco Fun Fair June-18-2022
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Scroll in the window below to meet the eight canvassers in GNN’s “What’s Next” Canada Summer Jobs program. Click to read the full bio. Close pop-ups using the “x” in the top right corner.

Participating neighbourhood groups

Scroll in the window below to meet the five neighbourhood groups that are hosting interns in GNN’s “What’s Next” Canada Summer Jobs program. Click each one to read the full descriptions. Close pop-ups using the “x” in the top right corner.

Helpful Resources – City of Toronto & Government of Canada

Click on each to read the full description. Close the pop-up using the “x” in the top right corner.

Support for this project was gratefully received from Canada Summer Jobs and