Paul Antze
Experience I bring to the role
Before retiring in 2011, I was a professor of Social Science at York University. I have served on the Steering Committee of Green Neighbours 21 since it began in 2007. Some years later I helped to organize the Toronto Climate Action Network and then served as its founding Chair from 2013 to 2016. More recently I joined with a few other volunteers trying to create a Network of green groups across the city. The result was Green Neighbours Network of Toronto. I became Chair when it was unofficially launched in 2018, finally stepping down when my term ended earlier this year.
Environmental issues I’m passionate about
Most immediately, the climate crisis, but more broadly the need to find a way of living that in balance with the needs and capacities of our shared ecosystem.
Best part of volunteering with GNN
Meeting and learning from all kinds of new and interesting people. The excitement of working closely with a gang of these people to achieve something we all care about.
Personal fun fact
I love spending time out in the woods or in nature generally — camping, canoeing, hiking or biking.