Contribute to GREEN NEIGHBOURS of Toronto
Your contribution to Green Neighbours Network of Toronto (GNN) will help foster connection and collaboration among people and groups striving for a greener, healthier, and more sustainable Toronto.
Contribute to support us using one of the three methods listed below. GNN is a Federal Not-For-Profit Corporation #12066114. Contributions to GNN are not eligible for charitable tax receipts.
- E-transfer –
- Credit Card – using this form
- Cheque – Make cheque payable to: Green Neighbours Network. Mail it to: Green Neighbours Network, c/o Lee Adamson, 218 Winona Drive, Toronto, ON M6C 3S2
If you have any questions regarding your contribution to GNN, please email us at

Exciting news! GNN is collaborating with the Small Change Fund on a project called the “Greener Toronto Fund”. Online donations to this project will support the EcoFair and other projects that raise neighbourhood awareness and action, and help make Toronto greener, healthier, and more sustainable.
The “Greener Toronto Fund” provides a new way for people to contribute to this important work and get the benefit of a charitable tax receipt. You can also set up monthly donations and gifts of securities through this fund. An $80 donation could sponsor a non-profit exhibitor at EcoFair Toronto or help a non-profit organization with expenses, or $800 could fund the grassroots environmental work and learning experience of one full-time intern for 1 week. A donation of any amount is gratefully appreciated.
Why donate today? We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and quicker action will bring better outcomes. More individuals and more grassroots groups are needed to get involved and take action. Help GNN achieve this goal by donating today.