Colin Love

Experience I bring to the role

Colin has been a leader in the environmental education field within the Toronto area for almost 20 years. He currently leads Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA) Community Learning team in Toronto, including the animation of Tommy Thompson Park (Leslie Street Spit) and The Meadoway. Colin is the Executive Director of the Green Neighbours Network of Toronto, the Founder of Secondhand Sunday and a Partner with Brooks Love Farm.

Colin completed his MEd from York University with a research focus on ecological literacy, social media and teacher training. He earned his HBSc from the University of Toronto and his BEd from Queen’s University with a specialty in Outdoor and Experiential Education. Colin is a husband and father of two who, big surprise, loves to spend time outdoors with his family and friends.

Environmental issues I’m passionate about

I am most passionate about addressing the climate crisis and about preserving farmland and nature.

Best part of volunteering with GNN

I enjoy working with others to take action on the climate crisis and other urgent environmental problems of our time. I enjoy meeting new people, learning new things, being creative, and doing what I can do to turn things around. The best part about volunteering for GNN is the hope it inspires in me and the sense of community. We can do so much more working together – and it is more fun. This is our motto – and it is true!

Personal fun fact

I love to garden. The miracle of seeing seeds grow and flourish never grows old. And I love to canoe. Paddling Ontario’s beautiful lakes and rivers, experiencing nature, rejuvenates my soul.

In addition to being an eco-champion, my lovely partner Caroline Marie Brooks is in an amazing band called GOOD LOVELIES and she has recently released her first solo record called “EVERYTHING AT THE SAME TIME“.