Green Neighbours Network is committed to creating a welcoming, inclusive and respectful community that is free from discrimination and harassment. All volunteers, staff, network members, and event participants are expected to do their part to achieve this goal.

Expected behaviours include:

  1. Treat everyone with respect.  Act in a way that does not discriminate against or exclude anyone. 
  2. Be kind, considerate and respectful to others. Treat others in a welcoming way.
  3. Be positive, encouraging and supportive. We are all passionate people doing our best at the place we are at on our sustainable journey. 
  4. We may have different, possibly conflicting, views. Listen. Be polite and respectful. Healthy debates can be educational but kindness is required. Do not try to impose your view on others. Be respectful of differences.
  5. Ensure everyone feels safe. We don’t accept bullying of any kind nor disparaging comments about personal attributes like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or disability, etc.
  6. Report inappropriate behavior that makes you or others feel uncomfortable to Green Neighbours Network Steering Committee Members or responsible volunteers.


We will at all times:

  1. Seek to minimize the environmental impact of our activities including minimizing waste.
  2. Actively promote heightened purpose, sustainability, reconciliation, equity and collaboration among our individual members, and member groups and partners.
  3. Remain non-partisan (i.e. do not support or help a particular political party).
  4. Work as a team recognizing the strengths in our differences, and support each other to achieve our shared goals.
  5. Be sensitive and kind but also open and honest in our dealings with others.
  6. Actively promote diversity in recruitment and participation.
  7. Actively avoid all forms of discrimination, harassment or victimization.

  • Code of Ethics is general in nature, whereas code of conduct is specific.
  • Code of Conduct are originated from the code of ethics, and it converts the rules into specific guidelines, that must be followed by the members of the organization.
  • Lengthwise, code of ethics is a shorter document than a code of conduct.
  • Code of Ethics regulates the judgment of the organization while a code of conduct regulates the actions.
  • Code of Ethics is publicly available, i.e. anyone can access it. Conversely, Code of Conduct is addressed to employees only.
  • Code of Ethics focuses on values or principles. On the other hand, Code of Conduct is focused on compliance and rules.

        From Key Difference